We blended Shrek

So my sister and I sometimes have the weirdest ideas when it comes to trying new foods, diets and so on. I’m usually the one who find some new recipes, drag my sister food shopping and make the weird food combo. But in this case, it was my sister who had found a recipe and we needed to try it! The funny thing is that both my mom, dad and brother thought it was my idea – oh the faith they have in me! 

I thought I would share this healthy Shrek-like cleansing drink – all you need is:
Lime juice 
.. and maybe some water

We used a bit more than a handful of spinach, a small amount of ginger, juice from 1½ limes, 1 apple, 1 avocado and 2-3 celery. Blend it all together and you’re done. My face made some weird expression at first so I put a but more lime juice in mine. It tasted healthy and I believe that if you drink this 1-2 a week your skin will be glowing. I’m going to make it again tonight! 

What do you do when it comes to inside beauty? Do you have a food that I should try?
Translation // 
Når det kommer til mad, (slanke)-kurer mm., så får min søster og jeg tit de underligste idéer! *hosthost* det er nok mig der finder de fleste og kommer med de underligste! Men i dette tilfælde, var det min søster som havde fundet denne blendet Shrek opskrift. Det sjove er så, at selv mine forældre og lillebror troede at det mit værk, men næ nej, det var søsters! 

Jeg tænkte, at jeg ville dele denne udrensende Shrek drik – det du skal bruge er:
Lime saft
.. og måske noget vand

Vi brugte lidt mere end en håndfuld spinat, et lille stykke ingefær, saft fra 1½ lime, 1 æble, 1 avokado og 2-3 sellerier. Blend det hel sammen og bam-færdig. Mit ansigt skabe sig lidt efter første mundfuld, så jeg puttede lidt mere lime saft i, lod det trække og smagte igen. Det smagte sundt og jeg tror, at hvis man drikker det 1-2 gange om ugen, så vil din hud blive ren og smuk. Jeg tror, at jeg vil lave en ‘Blendet Shrek‘ i aften! 

Gør du noget når det kommer til skønhed indefra? Har du noget mad/drik jeg skal prøve? 

Lot of love
Marie-Louise xx

Recipe: Date Balls

I’ve been baking again. Or these are not going to be baked, so I’ve actually just been mixing ingredients together which has given this lovely sweet-tooth-snack result. These date balls are a great, healthy option for anyone with a late night sweet tooth. They do not contain flour or sugar. Yay! 

This recipe makes 30-35 balls:
150 g Dried dates (stoneless)
75 g  Almonds
40 g  Oats
40 g  Coconut flakes
30 g  Unsweetened cacao powder
Splash of water
Some extra coconut flakes to roll the ball in

Start by weighing the dry ingredients. Put them in a bowl and put the bowl away for later use. 
Then you need to blend the dates and the almonds together. It can get a little dry so add a splash of water, but be careful not to get if too wet. 
When the dates and almonds are blended into a nice, firm consistency, you blend the dry ingredients into the mix. All you need to do now is roll it into balls. They look quite big in the pictures, but they are only about the same size as a table tennis ball, or smaller. 

And there you go! You have a nice sweet snack. They could also be a great gift for when you’re visiting your parents, grand parents or just a friend. Put them in a little jar and wrap a ribbon around it. Fun, tasty little present that everyone would love.

They taste better if they cool down a little bit in the fridge, where they should also be stored.

Do you like these recipe, food posts? I quite like doing them even though I only have 2 post so far. The other posts is a unhealthy, but tasty cookie recipe. You can take a peek here.

Let me know if you try these ball by tagging me on a picture on instagram or tweeting me – @mlhauken.

Thanks for reading

Marie-Louise xx

If you want to see daily photos, tweets or follow this blog on bloglovin – Just click on the links <3

I Am A Cookie Monster

Hello, my name is Marie-Louise and I’m a chocolaty cookie monster! Here I imaging all of you saying: Hi, Marie-Louise! Welcome. As I’m sure a lot of you will get addicted to these triple-chocolate cookies that I’m now gonna share with you!

I shared the finished cookie on instagram and got a lot of likes in no time. Pssst, if you wanna follow me on instagram my username is mlhauken.

It was a beautiful day when I decided to take a bike ride into town to buy all of the ingredients.

This recipe makes 12: 
200 g. Unsalted butter
275 g. Self-raising flour
300 g. Caster Sugar
1 Large egg
75 g. Cocoa powder
3 BIG bars of chocolate (Dark, Milk and White) I didn’t use all of the shown chocolate
+ A splash of milk

Start by mixing the soften butter and sugar together with a electric whisk when it’s creamy crack in the egg and whisk away. Then throw in all of the dry ingredients, and whisk, whisk, whisk. At this point it might be a little dry, so give the mixture a splash of milk. Now mix in the chocolate, I quickly did this with my hands. Line up two trays with baking paper and make 12 hand full size balls and place them on the trays – far apart from each other. Pop the trays in, in a preheated fan-oven at 220C (200C non-fan) for 10 minutes. They will be superb soft and seem unbaked but leave them to cool for around 30 minutes – Yes, you’ll have to wait a little bit longer. But after 30 minutes they will be stiffen but still soft and warm.

Pour a glass of milk and enjoy them warm. I’ve tried to taste them cold, but they are so much better warm. So, if you’re eating them later in the day or the day after, just pop them in the microwave for 10 seconds and they will be ready.

Let me know if you try these cookies in the comments below. Hope you liked this little cookie post, I enjoyed writing it and baking these cookies, which I saw over at Vivannadoesmakeup.

Have a lovely Friday

Thanks for reading
Love Marie-Louise x

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