Perfect Nails // Chanel Rouge Noir

Weight Loss Wednesday // Workout Challenges


Photo source: 1 is my own, 2 & 3&4 Carly Rowena 

I haven’t been to the gym in what feels like forever, I’m simply too tired when I come home from school – yes I know, bad excuse. The other excuse is that I’m a bit tired of seeing myself in the mirrors when I go to classes, which probably leads to the first excuse, unfortunately. I always go to back of the room and I tend to be more focused on how my body looks compared to the others and I’m constantly correcting my shirt, all in all I don’t feel like I get too much out of it and I feel uncomfortable.

So I thought that I would make the most out of my uncomfortableness and make a month-to-month work out plan. For every month I will be doing a new challenge – yep a 30 day workout challenge! The one I decided to start of with is a combination of different workouts, it’s going to be Carly Rowena’s ‘The 30 day Squat Challenge‘, as this is Carly’s version there will be squats *obviously*, 1 min plank and 10 burbees *not looking forward to those*. The only thing that will wary is the number of squats, see the picture above. I mentioned Carly in my latest WLW post here. If you want to join me so we can do this together just tweet me a little tweet

3 times a week I will hopefully start my day of with a fresh and quick morning workout – *hello, no sleep*. As there are loads of youtube channels, I’ll definitely going to find something that fits me. I also have the Tone It Up Beach Babe DVD from last year. I’m going to make a little schedule and start with this tomorrow morning. The schedule will end next Wednesday where I will be looking for some new workout videos. I’m one of those who easily get bored with the same workout routine so I have to mix it up a bit! 

I wanted to ask you if you like these posts? I find them fun and motivational to write – really keeps me on track! As a little treat – I think I’ll be giving you a little update and in the next Weight Loss Wednesday post 🙂 

Would you like me to set up an instagram specifically for weight loss pictures of my progress, food, workouts and motivation? Let me know in the comments 🙂

Lots of love

PS I a month you’ll get to se my hopefully lovely new butt 😉


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Perfect Nails // Chanel Rouge Noir